FracFocus is pleased to release disclosure data to the public in both MS SQL Server backup and CSV formats.
By clicking on a link below you may download a ZIP file that contains a copy of the disclosure data submitted.
This download will be updated 5 days a week with the latest disclosures submitted. The backups contain the same public disclosure information available through the FracFocus ‘Find a Well’ search. Also included in the data release is a data dictionary describing each attribute found in the backups.
The SQL backup was created using Microsoft SQL Server 2019. You may download a free copy of Microsoft SQL Server Express & Management Studio from the Microsoft website. FracFoucs user support does not include support beyond the download and validation of the backup files.
Disclosures submitted using the FracFocus 1.0 format (January, 2011 to May 31, 2013) will contain only header data. Disclosures submitted using the FracFocus 2.0-4.0 formats (November 2012 to present) will contain both header and chemical data. NOTE: Between November, 2012 and May 31, 2013 disclosures in both 1.0 and 2.0 formats were submitted to the system. After May 31, 2013 only disclosures submitted in the 2.0-4.0 formats were accepted.
The database contains information as reported to FracFocus, and the data displayed on the disclosure PDF files. Updates may be applied when corrections are identified to validation submission routines and data files. Any data corrections are approved by the State Agencies requiring the submission of disclosures to FracFocus.
Each FracFocus record is composed of the following parts stored in a separate database table:
The readme located in the data download contains a data dictionary that details the data attributes for the available data.
To proceed, you must agree to the terms and conditions.
When you click the download links below you are accepting the following Terms of Use:
By downloading this FracFocus dataset I am attesting that I understand and agree to the following data limitations and terms of use: